Summer Skin Secrets Series || CTM Routine – Skin Cleansing, Toning & Moisturizing

In continuation of our S5 series as I like to call it, today we will talk about my 2018 favourite skincare products. They are a mix of my all-time fav products and the recently tried and tested goodies too. If you are looking for simple, affordable and products which actually work… Then you are in the right place.
I have combination skin, with my T-zone being oil and rest of my face being a combination of normal and dry/sensitive. (P.S Age does that to you. That evil-not-wanted-inevitable-force-of-nature that makes your skin get drier with each day. Gosh!). I do not suffer from adult acne; however, I do have zits, black/white heads, scaring and pigmentation like any other Asian/Indian woman. #TrueStory #LetsBeReal
So which products am I exactly talking about? Can they be used by men/women/boys/girls? And are they easily available in pan Indian Market?
Let’s have a quick look –
Note: I’m going in an order of application I follow daily, no matter what. The sequence of CTM aka. Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing. It’s very simple. This is “The” formula of Beauty Gods. PERIOD.
- Cleanser –
Nivea Skin Refining Scrub – Normal Skin, is a wonderful mild face scrub which can be used on alternate basis to get rid of dry skin and all the gunk beneath it. Also, the scrub has these small beads of Vitamin E and Hydra IQ which don’t dry out your skin in the process of cleansing. Instead it leaves your skin, clean and moisturized. Does two things at a time – Exfoliation and Moisturization without any damage or heavy abrasion to the skin.
TheनारीFactor Rating: 4/5
Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Face Wash – All skin types, a holy grail for me. I’ve used this product for years and years. I have also tried other face washes from Himalaya Herbals, just to give things a spin. But I’ve always gravitated back to this one, for its ability to cleanse my skin to the T regardless if I’m having a good skin day or a bad one. This face wash has stood the test of time and my skin loves it. Superbly antiseptic, thanks to the NEEM content in the face wash. Also leaves your skin with no rashes, no over dry patches after face wash, works with all sorts of water – hard/soft. Easily available and worth the price. Not to mention, it works equally great with men’s skin too. Most certainly a must have in your washroom and toiletries bag.
TheनारीFactor Rating: 5/5
- Toner –
Ayorma Anti Tan and Fairness Face Mist (Antibacterial Radiance) – All skin types, a recently found product that I’m loving so much! Ah! Well, I’m extremely picky about the toner I use on my skin. Moreover particular, then most of the products I include in my skincare regimen. However, this face mist/toner spray totally blew my mind. This is an indie brand which combines the goodness of Aromatherapy and Ayurveda together, which you may have discovered I am an ardent practitioner of. So, when I saw the ingredients list and read “essential oils of Lavender, Cedar wood, Eucalyptus, Neem and Turmeric,” I knew this was it. Yes, the love at first sight sort of a thing.
A toner for me should not just cleanse and balance my skins pH level but also give it that extra care, which makes my skin ready to absorb and welcome application of further steps in my routine. And this one does exactly that. Easy to spray (I bathe in this spritz everyday), no irritation, natural spa fragrance and the perfect pick me up for morning skincare routine. Its fab.
TheनारीFactor Rating: 5/5
- Moisturizer –
Lacto Calamine Daily Face Care Lotion (Oil Balance) – Combination to Normal Skin, another oldie but a goodie! Never fails to take care of your skin. Doesn’t feel like you have a film of oil or some strange product sitting on your skin. Gets absorbed quickly, makes your skin soft and supple. This one takes care of oil excretion through our skin, but I wouldn’t say it leaves your skin matte throughout the day. In comparison, does better than most of the high-end moisturizes available in the market for summer. Also, their signature Kaolin Clay Therapy, Zinc Oxide and Aloe Vera mix does the trick! This is a product which your skin will love to drink up and get plump. Get fresh.
TheनारीFactor Rating: 5/5
The Body Shop Vitamin E Moisture Cream – All skin types, no words. Literally. NO WORDS.
This product is magic. Your skin will soak it in a second. Let alone in a snap. Works beautifully. Such a well-made product. And mind you, a pea-sized amount goes a long way. They claim to give 48hrs of moisturisation to your skin. I don’t know about that long, but on a daily basis for people living near tropic of cancer or Capricorn will definitely have baby skin for a loonnnggg period of time throughout the day. It isn’t that heavy, but one application does the job for you. Again, skin friendly, no rashes, no irritation, no dry patches, no heavy feeling and no false claims thus far for me. And I’ve been using this product for a decent amount of time.
The Body Shop Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturizer, is another one of their products which does fantastically well in summer. And it’s wonderful orange-citrusy smells just wakes you up. Fresh as it can get.
TheनारीFactor Rating: 5/5
These are the ideal products to create the perfect regimen, that protects your skin from getting roasted in this crazy heat without the need of much at all. And to answer your questions – Yes, these products can be used by people of all sexes and adults of all ages. Yes, these products are easily available online or in store at most of the Indian Markets at reasonable if not steep prices.
P.S If you live in a cosmopolitan city and are surrounded by pollution. These babies are for you!
In case if you’d like to go the natural way and see other ways of making your summer a super summer then check out my post on Ayurveda and Quick Home Remedies as a part of this series.
*Images used for representative purpose, contact for credits.*
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