Michelle Phan’s Night Time Skincare Routine On Harper’s Bazaar YouTube Channel Made So Much Sense!

Michelle Phan who? Well, Michelle Phan is one of the first beauty stars of YouTube—she started creating makeup tutorials in 2007 and has a massive following with over 9 million subscribers. She’s not just a YouTuber but also an entrepreneur/creator with brands like Ipsy, Em Cosmetics, and recently launched Thematic, all under her wings.
I’ve been following Michelle since many years now. She was one of the first people I followed for getting beauty and skin care tips. Her videos always seemed so much fun and they were cute and to the point. I’ve learn’t so much from her and I still enjoy her videos as and when I come across one, for instance this one.
However, now that she’s got so many brands to look after I don’t think she posts any more or at least I do not get any updates. Especially since Ipsy took over the beauty box subscription competition by becoming No.1 in United States of America. Affordable and a cult favourite.
But you may ask why read about her?
Michelle and her story or journey should I say, of coming from absolutely nothing, supportive Mom, absent father, family to look after and support herself to not only educate herself but become something in life was very touching to me. I like inspirational people who truly create their world by themselves from nothing but ideas, hard work, sacrifice and discipline. She truly came from zero and look at her now. Her net worth is is over $500 millions!
I’m sure there are plenty of videos there on her life etc. But she is truly one of the young girls in this world who’ve become a world phenomenon and continue to grow like there is no tomorrow. She employees over a zillion people and she has lifted so many people. Given them a new life. Given back to the society. It’s lovely and so inspiring to see that.
What I especially love about her is that she found products or always shared reason and purpose behind using a certain product at a certain time or the history of the porducts. I mean, she always shared bits and pieces of information which made so much sense and made me want to use products with so much more conviction. She is truly a #BossWoman and I’m all about supporting women and getting inspired by them everyday-each day!
Now a days there are so many fads, so many products, so many routines and even more chemicals/skin problems etc. to deal with. Hence watching her video and revisiting skin care basics felt great. As if I was getting a mini master class on YouTube.
In this episode of #GoToBedWithMe, Michelle talks about her night time skin care routine and uses the following products –
THEN I MET YOU – Living Cleansing Balm
THEN I MET YOU – Soothing Tea Cleansing Gel
NEOGEN – Real Ferment Micro Essence
NEOGEN – Super Hydra Aqua Capsule Mask
BRITISH M – Organics Annatto Hair Oil
ETUDE HOUSE – Moistfull Collagen Sleeping Pack
KLAVUU – Nourishing Care Lip Sleeping Pack
As you can tell, her skincare regimen is partly influenced by Korean Beauty 11 steps and therefore it includes many Korean products. Although it is a great regimen for people who live in Korea or for people who don’t live in polluted countries like ours. We require another level of care and our skin composition and reaction to products is very different from theirs. Not to mention the impact of weather conditions on our skin and food habits also have a great impact on the type of skin care that works and doesn’t work for our skin.
Truth be told even I got sucked into the whole Korean Skin Care Regimen and went shopping on www.beautynetkorea.com and later posted a product review of Korean Skincare bought from beautynetkorea.com. I love the products I ordered but I don’t think I need to follow all the 11 steps. I can use the products as a new addition to my regimen, not completely modify it based on the 11-12 step Korean Skin Care Regimen.
While going through the video, you’ll notice that she has shared snip bits of advice when it comes to skincare and I want to share them with my readers because skincare should not be an after thought in your mind –
- She emphasised on the use of SPF. SPF is your best anti-ageing cream!
- She stopped using foundation for 2 years now and her skin is breathing. Looking better and not loosing its natural glow.
Note: Use foundation occasionally. Ageing truly happens and letting your skin breath is key! - Using full make-up everyday causes us to live in a bubble and not accept who we are actually. How do we look naturally. So embrace yourself. It is not a need, just a want. Bye bye Face-dysmorphia!
- Be gentle with your face.
- Ageing signs first show on your NECK! So do not forget to moisturise your neck too!
- Retinol/Retinod’s (purest form of Vitamin A) products help turn over the skin cells so that you reveal beautiful skin (I’ll be talking about this on a later post).
- Don’t keep your Face Mask till it absolutely dries off! Keep it on till it’s slightly moist but not dry.
So go ahead check out some incredible skin care product’s that I’ve shared with you’ll to feel great and look even better –
- “Made In India” Skincare Staples Working Magic For Over A Decade Now
- Summer Skin Secrets Series || Daily Night Time Skincare Regimen
- Summer Skin Secrets Series || SPF – Sun Protection Factor
- Summer Skin Secrets Series || CTM Routine – Skin Cleansing, Toning & Moisturizing
- Summer Skin Secrets Series || Quick Home Remedies
- Summer Skin Secrets Series || Ayurveda
- MTV VJ Anusha Dandekar’s Latest Insta Stories Made Me Revamp My Beauty Products Stash!
I hope you come across many such powerful and incredible women, who continue to inspire you every day. Michelle Phan is an inspiration to me, who is yours?
*Images used for representative purpose, contact for credits.*
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