8 Best Body Products That I Swear By!

We take so much care of our face with all the expensive creams and potions. But, we always seem to neglect our body. At least I do or should I say, did.
Skin is the biggest organ of our body and it is extremely susceptible to change in weather, internal hormonal balances, bodily injury if any and it also bears the onus of looking good at all times.
Our skin’s thickness and sensitivity varies from every region of our body depending upon multiple factors. Hence, our skin in general requires thicker products and heavy-duty treatments for our entire body starting from our neck down.
However, keeping up with modern times it does getting difficult to get a body massage regularly. Hence, I’ve created a list of body products that have been with me for years together from Mumbai to London to around the world and back.
So lets start from my favourite time –

A girl has to keep herself clean and keep up the hygiene. I’ve tried gazillion razors and I’ve not come across a better razor than this one. Its compact, with great grip and a cute little carry on box. It is so handy that it covers all the crevices of the body without cutting the skin. Using a small razor really changes the entire shaving regimen. Try it to know it.

Ah! Talk about an amazing body wash on a budget. This one smells divine. Gently exfoliates my skin and sooths my senses as I shower. I love it! No fancy but makes you feel fabulous for sure.
MaxRich Intensive Moisturizing Lotion Parachute Advansed Body Lotion in Coconut Milk
Both these body lotions are incredible. My body drinks them up like water without leaving any greasy feeling on my skin. No strong fragrance, extremely moisturising, feels light and perfect layer of skin care for any type of skin. No rashes. No disappointment. Also, my skin easily stays or at least feels moisturised for good 8 to 9 hours!
The Body Shop Moringa Body Butter AVEENO Dermexa Emollient Cream
Both these body products are extremely moisturising for dry winters. You know when you scratch yourself and get a white dry line. After applying these products, your skin feels like a baby’s bottom. Even if its snowing wherever you are, these products are the best body products to give your body the love it needs.
I’ll be really honest with you guys, I must have tried so many body lotions and butters which have always left that greasy residue. Clothes sticking to my body because of that greasy layer of excess oil and making me feel uncomfortable through out the day. After all these experiences over the years, I feel I’ve finally cracked the code and found products that really work. No brand gimmick. Nothing. Just good skin care.

This is the product I use religiously every time I need extra skin care protection. Especially, before and after swimming. It’s light and exactly like milk. Moisturising and wonderful. Love it.

I can not praise and emphasise enough about the goodness of Aloe Gel. It is the best skin rescue from rashes, dry skin and what not. It is also super cooling to use after sun. This one is extremely hydrating. Feels like give a shot of H2O to the skin from within.
These are the steps to follow and slather your skin with lots of love. Your body will thank you, I promise.
*Images used for representative purpose, contact for credits.*
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